.. _user_interface: ============================ Configure the user interface ============================ You can build several user interfaces into the resulting Docker image. This is controlled with various :ref:`configuration files `. JupyterLab ---------- You do not need any extra configuration in order to allow the use of the JupyterLab interface. You can launch JupyterLab from within a user session by opening the Jupyter Notebook and appending ``/lab`` to the end of the URL like so: .. code-block:: none http(s):///lab To switch back to the classic notebook, add ``/tree`` to the URL like so: .. code-block:: none http(s):///tree To learn more about URLs in JupyterLab and Jupyter Notebook, visit `starting JupyterLab `_. RStudio ------- The RStudio user interface is automatically enabled if a configuration file for R is detected (i.e. an R version specified in ``runtime.txt``). If this is detected, RStudio will be accessible by appending ``/rstudio`` to the URL, like so: .. code-block:: none http(s):///rstudio Stencila -------- The Stencila user interface is automatically enabled if a Stencila document (i.e. a file `manifest.xml`) is detected. Stencila will be accessible by appending ``/stencila`` to the URL, like so: .. code-block:: none http(s):///stencila The editor will open the Stencila document corresponding to the last `manifest.xml` found in the file tree. If you want to open a different document, you can configure the path in the URL parameter `archive`: .. code-block:: none http(s):///stencila/?archive=other-dir